How hard is it to get into the JP Morgan honors program?

<p>i have a 1540/1600 and a 4.0 at Rutgers</p>

<p>do i have a decent chance based on that info alone?</p>

<p>Great stats, no worries. Just be sure that you don't rely solely on your scores and grades to get you the position.</p>

<p>Based on my talk with one of its recruiters, they only accept around 25 candidates across the board. I'd say that's competitive.</p>

<p>so does that mean i have a better chance of, well I dunno, say, transferring to Wharton as a sophomore?</p>

<p>Yes, but also note that Wharton is a far better school for business than Rutgers, anyway. If you get in and can afford it, go for it.</p>