How important are low level course grades when it comes to grad school?

<p>I'm transferring to a new state university in the fall and my GPA will start fresh there. I plan to work hard and do really well. At my current school, I'm taking 3 electives (2 100 level and 1 200 level) and only 100 level class related to my major (Intro to MicroEcon)</p>

<p>Although my GPA will start fresh, I know when it comes to grad school, they will want to see ALL transcripts. My ambition is to study Finance/Marketing/Economics and then get my MBA. Will the grades in my communications, philosophy and anthropology class from my previous university matter much if they are in the B-C range? Will it hurt me much even though they don't pertain to my major and are low-level courses? Or will the admissions office focus more on my later upper-level courses related to my major?</p>

<p>Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks</p>

<p>Insufficient information; it depends upon your grad school field and how competitive a program you are applying to.</p>

<p>A datum: the UC Berkeley Econ PhD program reportedly had 800 apps, 300+ of which had 3.8+ ug GPA’s and 780+ on the GRE Quant. An extreme example, though I’d expect similar from the MBA programs at Penn, Stanford, et al.</p>