How important is UC GPA?

I’m wondering how important the UC GPA is going to be for mid tier UCs like UCSD, UCSB, or UCI, because my sophomore year is almost over, and I will probably have a UC GPA of 3.8

UC GPA is considered one of the most important factors in your application review, followed by test scores/HS course rigor and essays.
You have another year so take some AP classes and bump it up.

Even the mid-tier UCs are becoming increasingly competitive. Keep up that GPA and take classes that are weighted by the UCs to keep on improving it. You sound like you’re on the right track for these schools. What’s your major? If you’re entering engineering or something, that might be a bit low. It’s also important to have a high SAT/ACT score, so start prepping for those if you can to give yourself the best chance.

The average UC GPA for the fall 2015 admitted freshman class:

UCSD 4.13
UCSB 4.05
UCI 4.04

I believe GPA is the most important factor in the application, followed by test scores.

@Yomama12 I thought that was weighted GPA?
@Gumbymom Next year I am taking 4 APs, 1 regular course, and a sport. Assuming I get all As (which I know I won’t), I will get a 4.1. If I get a B in Calc BC both semesters, I will have a 4.0 exact. Are there other ways to raise my GPA?

The GPA’s posted by @Yomama12 are the weighted capped UC GPA’s. Remember the UC GPA is capped at 8 semesters of honors points or 4 AP classes for 10-11th grade for all the UC’s except UCLA and UCB which use uncapped weighted UC GPA also. Going beyond the 8 semesters of honors/AP classes will not increase your GPA except for the 2 schools noted but it will increase your HS rigor.