<p>I know a lot of colleges treat class rank and UW GPA importantly, but a lot of times, I don't think they can be accurate reflections of how well a student does academically. For example, I am currently taking eight classes: 5 core (2 science classes), and 3 music related classes. </p>
<p>Jazz band at our school is not an honors option, so wouldn't it be true that a person of the same GPA as mine, taking the same classes (with the exception of jazz band) would receive a higher rank than me? IMO, getting up an hour earlier than everyone else to play in an advanced ensemble shouldn't lower your rank. </p>
<p>Also, how much do schools factor in the competitiveness of your school? Do adcoms have records of your schools stats and such? While I have a 3.86 W GPA and 4.32 UW GPA, my class rank is still a mere 59/380.</p>