How intensive do your 11th classes have to be to get into a good college like UPenn?

<p>So, guys, I am a sophmore in highschool. I am already thinking about college because it's never to early to think about college. Anyway I was here because I wanted everyone's opinion on my question-----> How intensive do your classes have to be to get into a good college like UPenn?</p>

<p>My Junior Year classes:</p>

<li>AP Lit</li>
<li>AP Calc BC</li>
<li>AP Psych</li>
<li>AP Environmental Science</li>
<li>IB Chemistry SL</li>
<li>IB Economics SL</li>
<li>IB TOK (1/2 year) and Health (1/2 year)</li>
<li>Spanish IV</li>

<p>** Please note Spanish IV is taught at an AP level at my school.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help guys,</p>


<p>“How intensive do your classes have to be to get into a good college like UPenn?”</p>

<p>Very intensive. Now the question for you: do your think that those eight qualify? What’s your view of it?</p>

<p>Look is not just the intensity is also the results. Rule of thumb. Ivy 8 AP minimum. However not all count the same. If you are going to STEM, then your main classes in science should be AP. it will not help you have a lot of AP Social Studies classes. The same if you are going for any other area of interest, first try to get as many APs in that area and then concentrate on the rest.</p>

<p>Which of the four schools is your target? Find out which SAT Subject tests you need to take. If Chemistry, make sure your class will prepare you well. </p>

<p>Also make sure your homework and test prep is not so intense that you have no time to do extracurriculars!</p>