How is macalester for premed?

Hello, I am committed to Macalester at this point, and I am thinking of going on the premed track. I was just wondering if there are any premed macalester students who can let me know how the experience is like? Is Mac good at helping students find research/internship oppurtunities? Is there a strong sense of community amongst premed students? Is the coursework manageable enough that one can volunteer during the school year? FYI I am planning on majoring in anthropology with a concentration on the biological side, but I might end up switching once I get there.

You might get more answers if you ask this in the Macalester College forum.

Also, all pre-meds need to be able to balance multiple obligations-- volunteering, academics, research–at the same time, otherwise you’ll never survive med school. (And med school adcomms do look for evidence that you can successful juggle multiple obligations successfully.)

However, college freshmen need to learn how to balance multiple activities. Start first by concentrating on your academics. Once you are successfully handling your coursework, then add activities a few at time. Don’t try to do everything at once the minute you set foot on campus.

Mac has a health professions advising office and the school sends students to med school every year so they can probably answer your questions.

FYI, no college or HPA office finds research positions for students. You have to do that yourself by making contact w/ professors and asking. You can even start the process now by emailing profs who have research that sounds interesting to you. (Read their faculty bio or take a look at their research page on their department’s webpage.) Introduce yourself and ask if they have any available research positions. Attach your resumé or CV, highlighting any previous research experiences or special skills you have. Include any computer or mathematics competencies/skills. Include any animal handling or management skills you have. (If relevant to the research.)