How is my chance for transfer ??

I am currently enrolled in 2nd year at United States Military Academy at West Point.</p>

<p>My cumulative GPA at West Point is 3.90.
I was given a chance to transfer if I want to.
Unlike other civilian colleges, for me, this is my first & last chance to transfer.
I can't transfer to civilian college after my 2nd year at west point. </p>

<p>MY High school GPA was around 3.52 (Choate Rosemary Hall, where former president John F. Kennedy graduated from)</p>

<p>My SAT 1 score 2140 (Math 800, Reading 680, Wr 660)</p>

<p>Never have taken SAT 2 subject tests..</p>

<p>How is my chance for transferring to </p>

<p>either Columbia or UPenn ??</p>

<p>I’d say pretty good chances at both.</p>