How is my chance to ASU Barrett

<p>I am currently an ASU student and am applying for Barrett as upper-division applicant. My GPA is 3.5. I did mostly As on the major subjects. </p>

<p>How is my chance of getting admitted to Barrett?</p>

<p>bump! what are the important criteria for Barrett Admission? Thanks</p>

<p>Lol… this post is moved to University of Arizona!
Dear mods, I am talking about Barrett Honor College at Arizona State University.</p>

<p>Walk over and ask what your chances are. They are very friendly</p>

<p>[Barrett</a> Honors Upper Division Admissions](<a href=“Barrett, The Honors College | Arizona State University”>Barrett, The Honors College | Arizona State University)</p>

<p>Usually about a 3.6 will do you it sounds like.</p>

<p>anyone ever admitted to Barrett with below average GPA?</p>

<p>According to the website I posted yes.</p>

<p>… wrong thread?</p>

<p>The mods apparently moved it, or so the OP claims.</p>