How is professor Kozik for math 175?

<p>Hey guys! I am getting enrolled to my classes right now, almost finished except one thing: I totally have no idea about the style of my math 175 professor, who is Kozik, Marcin A. I hope someone who took his class before could give me any insights about him cuz I can't find his name on I've also tried to google professor Kozik, but except for a big profile picture and some of his phD papers, there is NOTHING. Thanks in advance for any comments!</p>

<p>Probably a his first or second year so might be hard to find someone who knows. I talked to one engineering student who said 175 was the easiest math class he took at Vanderbilt though, so I wouldn’t be too concerned with any professor.</p>

<p>He’s a visiting professor for the 2011 fall term, so no one here probably knows.</p>