How is the environment for those of you who came from California?

Hi all, I’m torn between Purdue and UC Irvine right now. I’m visiting Purdue in a couple weeks but I’m really curious if anyone from the west coast (mainly California) had any problems adjusting to Indiana in terms of weather, racial discrimination (if there’s even any), etc.

The state of Indiana and Purdue are not as racist as you might think. Indiana as a whole is certainly much different than the image California creates, but I can assure you that most schools, no matter where in the country, will have their share of racists. I’m from Ohio and we have a fairly similar population to Indiana. I would imagine some of the townies might be a little racist, but since most of them are near campus, they ought to be pretty accepting. Since West Lafayette is surrounded by countryside, once you leave campus the racial discrimination increases until you get closer to urban centers. That is the theme of the Midwest in general.

how often do you see racism on campus csswim? I am indian american, and i was just wondering about how friendly the campus itself is, and how often you see racially charged incidents.

IMO, the coastal elites create the concept that the middle part of the country (and non-progressives) are racists. But if you really have that attitude toward those outside of California, then you probably should stay there.