How is the Poli Sci department at UW?

<p>My son plans to major in Journalism, but he's also very interested in Political Science, so it wouldn't surprise me if he switched majors. How is Wisconsin in that regard?</p>

<p>I heard that Poli Sci is Wisconsin-Madison's biggest major, numbers-wise, like 7% of the total student undergrad population are taking this major.</p>

<p>It was Top 10 then lost some people to retirement and Penn/Princeton so it has had to add some new people. I know they hired several untenured young people from Harvard the last two years. They should be OK now.</p>

<p>I'm a poli sci major at madison right now. It's OK, but I've been in only two poli sci classes thus far. The requirements for the major are pretty easy. 30 semester hours of upper level classes, 40 hours in total, are all that is needed for graduating with a degree in the major.</p>

<p>Can you minor in poli sci? Say, along with a journalism major?</p>