How is UA for California Students?

Just reading through these comments confuse me lmao. If someone can kind of summarize what that conversation was about for me. Oh and also, I am male fyi.


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I deleted a couple that approached the line, if not actually crossed the line.

Hi @skieurope

When you scrub a thread, it changes the context of some of the replies that have been left. I kindly ask you to go ahead and remove all my replies from this thread so there is no misunderstanding of their meaning. Can that be done?


I delete posts to bring a thread into compliance, and will delete any posts that reference deleted posts, which would make no sense out of context…However, per Terms of Service: “We cannot edit or delete posts upon request; please do not ask.”

While not from CA, my child is also an out of state student. She has made friends from all over the country. Many from the south, but actually, far more from the northern (both east and west) areas of the country. I honestly feel that she has had the ability to meet more of a variety of people while at Bama than if she had stayed in-state. As for the sorority “coaching”, I have heard it happens but she does not know of any of her sorority sisters that have used that service. She certainly did not, had a fantastic rush and ended up in a great house with girls from all over the country. She has not regretted choosing Bama and I am sure that as a California student you will not regret it either. Roll Tide! Go visit and see for yourself! :slight_smile:

@iceman45575 , did you have an idea of what your focus of study in college might be?

I’m leaning towards majoring in Computer Science.

My son (freshman) knows several CS majors through his research program, but I don’t have any specific deep knowledge of the Major. One possible opportunity is the 5 year STEM to MBA program. It is just like it sounds and is a great match for some students.

@iceman45575 what are your stats and income level?

The state of California has 8 public universities in the top 60 for computer science and U Alabama is nowhere to be found in the top 100.

We are from Pennsylvania and my son is a Computer Science major. Alabama has been great for him, he graduated in 3 years, went to New Zealand for 3 weeks on a school trip and will get his Masters of Computer Science in his 4th year of school. He also landed a high paying job that will start this summer. His two friends, without masters, got the exact same job. If you like UA come to Alabama. If you are a good computer science student and coder you will be able to write your ticket. Work experience is key. I don’t believe employers (with some small exceptions) care where you went to school. They care what you can do.

@ProfessorPlum168 I am applying to some UCs and CSUs as well. 1110 SAT and 3.3 GPA so would only maybe get into Merced or Riverside for the UCs. I am considering Alabama and other out of state schools because I kind of want to leave California for a bit.

Computer science is not an easy major at Alabama. The classes for the first two years are relatively large, and you will need to be able to self-advocate, form study groups, and in general work hard. My understanding is that the professors will help, but they are not eager to seek out student interaction. It is tricky to find CS programs that are more nurturing and personal right now, because there is so much demand for the major. I don’t know if that is important to you.

I do believe that Alabama CS grads do well.

I don’t have specific information about CA, but my impression is that OOS students at Alabama for the most part love it.

I suggest that for anyone with a question about student life, and if your DS or DD has been admitted, that you join the parent page on Facebook. There are a couple of them. One for all parents. Another for parents of Class of 2023. They are both filled with useful information about student life and the adjustment for students coming from California.

@iceman45575: Hopefully you will plan on visiting a few universities while visiting UA from California. Make the most of your trip. Auburn, Florida State & UA-Huntsville are reasonable possibilities.

@iceman45575 have you asked your parents how much they’ll pay per year for college? Would they pay the $46kish for Bama per year?

I could be wrong, but I think the College of Engineering (where CS is located at UA) is home to a large percentage of the top freshmen entering the university (32-36 ACT; 1420-1600 SAT), so keep in mind that while UA over all may not be “top rated,” the competition in a lot of these programs will be stiff.

CS is a tough major at UA. Those who are good at it seem to do VERY well after they graduate (jobs at Google, Amazon, etc.), but a lot of kids flame out early. So make sure UA has some alternative majors that appeal to you and that you can afford the cost of attendance.

For what it’s worth, that’s the same advice I’d give any future CS student. Top CS students are in high demand, and they do NOT need to have graduated from elite schools to land great jobs. That may or may not be the case for other majors, so keep that in mind.

I went to UA back in the late 80s and early 90s with a student in the Computer Engineering program. He was one of those early employees for Bill Gates who made a fortune at MicroSoft.