We recently toured several west coast schools and LMU was a favorite for many reasons for us.
Upon our return home, we watches several videos of LMU students uploaded in the days after the
presidential election in which there were very large crowds gathered on the campus shouting for revolution
and resistance and generally showing students coming emotionally unhinged from the perceived danger
resulting from the election.
Our concern is that, as is on display on so many college campuses around the country, our kids would not
be embraced in a community advertising the celebration of diversity – if that diversity were of thought.
Everywhere you turn conservative speakers and students are under (sometimes physical) assault for their
beliefs and are made unsafe physically and intellectually because they are out of step with the “approved” way
of thinking on our very progressive college campuses around our country.
My son is not concerned about having a different point of view, but certainly advocates for a world view shaped by
his attachment to a particular poltical positioning on any given issue. He is convinced he will not be able to even have friends based simply because he supported the President… how can we all not be shamed by this?
Please share any context on this issue, especially specific to LMU, to help understand the social/political climate on campus and how coservative/traditional oriented student would feel socially.
I think you have to take all that you see with a grain of salt. The students who feel strongly about any given issue are more likely to post and be vocal. My son will be attending LMU in the Fall. While we didn’t support Trump, my son is very tolerant and respectful of other people’s beliefs and ideas.
Thank you so much for responding… My son is equally tolerant and celebrates everyones individual liberty.
He was concerned that the climate on some campuses would not offer him the same tolerance.
He is confident in his beliefs and is always interested in being challenged to be challenged to defend them intellectually… his concern was that he would be socially outcast if he were not part of the approved “tribe” of
beliefs that seem to dominate the campus conversation – while actively looking to stop opposing viewpoints from
being heard or allowed.
Good luck to your son as he begins his adventure at LMU!
As I said, we found so much to like about that place!
Wishing him all the best:)
On the LMU website under “Student Life” there is a list of some of the clubs available for students–There are clubs for both Democrats and Republicans.
I know this is old but as a current student at LMU, I would say 80% of the student body is liberal or is left leaning. I do have conservative friends and they say that they feel isolated from the community for their beliefs. Admittedly, even they are socially liberal and only fiscally conservative. Because LMU is so diverse, many students have been personally affected by the presidency and thus feel uncomfortable when they encounter a Trump supporter. If your son wishes to attend he will find his niche as it does exist, but it would be hard to with the average LMU student.
Good luck with the whole college process!