How likely am I to get into Binghamton University

Hi, I am a transfer student attempting to get into Binghamton’s Harpur College of Liberal Arts and Science and i just wanted to know what my chances of getting into the school are
GPA: 3.76
46 credits completed
16 more after this semester
Essay done, letter of recommendation sent, etc.
Applied 3/4/19(3 days after deadline)

Also, is it likely that Binghamton will ask for a progress report? I have submitted a transcript for the current semester but thats about it. my only fear is that in one of my classes I failed an exam and im not too sure how that will reflect on my average or how the school will see that, so any info would be nice. However, the topic at hand still stands, what chance do i have of getting in?

I would also like to add that I live in the binghamton area as well