<p>I'm a Junior right now and I'm highly interested in attending Cornell in the future. I'm wondering, if anyone would know, how likely I can get into the school with this background:</p>
<p>-I take full IB courses (they are required at my school) - my selected courses are IB Music & IB Physics (hardest science out of Biology and Chemistry).
-I also take IB HL Math (finishes off into Calculus II by senior year) and I started the SL math in my sophomore year.
-My cumulative GPA is about 3.95 (there are no A+'s, and A-'s are 3.7).
-I'm estimating that my ACT score will be a 33 and SAT will be 2300.
-I run volleyball club, full member of Jazz band (and symphonic band), and a trumpet player of about 7 years. I plan on joining the Model United Nations Club (basically debate) or Building with Books (community service projects). Also, I used to do Indian dancing in the Indian-American Student Association (even though I'm white, haha, but that's irrelevant).
-I will do about 200+ hours of Community Service in my high school career, and probably more since I enjoy those things.
-It's also likely that I'll do performances with my trumpet and also write compositions in my IB music course.
-I have computer background (Flash, Mac/Windows, etc) - not sure if that helps.
-I am learning Latin (at a medium level) on top of Spanish (intermediate level).
-I plan on joining an AAU volleyball team in the spring, fairly decent player.
-Most likely will get a job of some sort in a couple of months.</p>
<p>Sorry if that wasted your time, but would anyone know?
Thank you so much, you have no idea :)</p>