how long is your common app essay?

<p>im just finishing mine up and I wanna see how long everyone elses is.</p>

<p>I’ve already posted this. 12 pages double spaced (about 5 3/4 single spaced) I hope the admissions officers will bear with me.</p>


<p>Mine’s is about 600 words, 2 pages double spaced I think.</p>

<p>You don’t think mine’s too long do you?</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s a little long.</p>

<p>My sophomore thesis was shorter.</p>

<p>lol to the poster above me. WOW.</p>

<p>Anyway, mine is 585 words, 2 pages double spaced.</p>

<p>500 words EXACTLY 500 >_></p>

<p>5.75 pages… make sure you try to cut down on unnecessary information. try to be concise. i think it’s a little too long. :/</p>

<p>543 words for me.</p>

<p>whoah whoah 5.75 pages… a LITTLE too long? holy **** this isnt a ****ing novel lol</p>

<p>I think 5 pages is sufficient. And yes, it is a novel. We’ll see come decision time.</p>


StevenWheatland, how many words are in your essay?</p>

<p>Harvard will be so impressed. It definitely sets me apart.</p>

<p>words: 3,628 and characters: 22,442</p>

<p>eh, stevenwheatland, do you think the harvard admissions committee will punish you for punishing them with a dissertation?</p>

<p>Obviously not, I think the’ll love the effort I’ve put in and they will accept me immediately. Imagine their face when they press “view document” on commonapp! They will be so happy to see 12 sprawling pages of magnificent writing.</p>

<p>Are you being sarcastic? ^^</p>

<p>I am desperately hoping that StevenWheatland is a ■■■■■, for the sake of my own sanity.</p>

<p>I mean, he reviewed my essay and had some good comments, but this…</p>

<p>Steven, if you’re being serious, I have one thing to say to you:</p>

<p>No admissions officer (I repeat, NONE at ANY school to which you apply, including Harvard) has the time or the patience to read an essay that long. None.</p>

<p>Yale, for instance, says specifically on their website (paraphrased, obviously): “Do not make it too much longer than 500 words. If you go way over, you’re showing that you can’t even follow simple directions.”</p>

<p>Get a clue.</p>