How many college students on here are major procrastinators, and love to be lazy?

<p>I'm a freshman, and lately I just can't stop myself from procrastinating. I have all As and Bs, but I always do things at the last minute. I even have a research paper on a creative person for a creativity class that is late. The thing is I hate writing research papers. They always seem like the hardest paper to get started on because all you're doing is spitting out facts. Writing them doesn't really enrich my mind in any way. Papers that are more personal and opinionated are much easier to get started on because they can be fun and full of personal passion. Research papers just seem to drone on and on. Of course, I know that I must write research papers in college-it's part of college curriculum-but is there anything I can do to combat my lack of motivation to write one and spice it up.</p>

<p>I’m only a junior in high school (sorry!) but I can totally relate. I’m procrastinating right now actually. I procrastinate everything. It’s terrible. I wouldn’t say that I procrastinate out of laziness though. Not pure laziness, at least. It’s more like I’m stressed and tired, so instead of working, I do something relaxing and entertaining, say, for example, reading or scrolling mindlessly through social media. Of course, I’m only pretending to ignore the growing stress of the work I need to do. Eventually, the eleventh hour comes along and I’m practically hyperventilating with stress and wondering “WHY did I read a 400,000 word fanfic when I could have just finished The Odyssey for World Lit?” It sucks.</p>

<p>Something that works for me (sometimes!) is to imagine the consequences. To just sit back, no distractions and say, “If I start right now, I could be done in X hours, get enough sleep and make the A. OR I could do something utterly useless for the next few hours, suffer through a sleepless night and end up with something I wrote while nodding off a 3am and am ashamed to put my name on.” That’s usually the kick in the a** I need to get me going. Good luck!!</p>

<p>This was a really funny and interesting article on the subject. </p>

<p><a href=“Why Procrastinators Procrastinate — Wait But Why”>Why Procrastinators Procrastinate — Wait But Why;

<p>Procrastinators unite!</p>

<p>@runner019 ehh, maybe later</p>

<p>sorry, i had to!</p>

<p>@forgotten312 exactly. :D</p>

<p>@forgotten312‌ that was cool. someone was gonna do it sooner or later.</p>

<p>@forgotten312‌ That’s what I do when I procrastinate too. I’m not a big TV watcher, but I’ll start googling a bunch of random subjects or topics that I just happen to be thinking about at the momentto to learn more about them, or read articles/Fanfiction (good stories if they are well-written). I guess it’s not pure laziness in the sense of sleeping and eating junk food on the couch, but it’s usually not schoolwork or studying, unless I know it’s essential to start studying for a test (which I cram studying for the night before), or a paper. The more interesting I find the class subject and homework or project that I’m doing it, the more likely I’ll start doing it in a couple days advance. I also have ADHD and minor anxiety problems, but I’m treated with medication for both. After 5-6 classes on Mondays and Wednesdays with less than an hour’s break in between, I get so tired and all I want to do is relax.</p>

<p>I think I procrastinated worse in high school than I do currently in college. I’m really good at gauging how much time and energy needs to be invested into an assignment, and then I respond accordingly. If I have a major take home exam, I’ll start that as soon as I get it and work on it consistently until the due date - however, smaller homework assignments, which might only be graded check/no check, I’ll save until the night before or morning of because I know I can get away with it. </p>

<p>Yeah I agree with you so much. Research paper suck! I mean all you’re doing is remembering the facts and just reword another article and write it in your own words. That’s so pointless… Actually I have a research paper about influential people of the 20th century and while I am supposed to be doing this I am on CC… I guess I’m gonna go back to work… Sigh… what is the point of research paper? </p>

<p>@AliceKettle I actually think we’ll have a better education system if we did that instead of school. Just search stuff you’re interested and curious in, and we actually have a passion doing that and we actually REMEMBERS it. Honestly Google is a better school than actual schools.</p>

<p>Procrastinators are the ones who complain that their college has severe grade deflation.</p>

<p>I am a crazy procrastinator, mainly because I am so focused on how much fun I am having in college that I can’t focus on school. BUT I always make time when it is necessary, so I have good grades! If you want to keep up with me and all my crazy college shenanigans (such as procrastinating), check out my blog <a href=“https://gailforpresident.■■■■■■■■■■■■■”>https://gailforpresident.■■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> :slight_smile: you won’t regret it.</p>