How many Colleges to apply/narrow down?

<p>Hey, going to apply for colleges incoming year but I am going to start my list.</p>

<p>How many colleges should one apply for?</p>

<p>How many are on your list?</p>

<p>It’s very individual. Finances play a large role. If you need merit aid that usually means applying to more schools. Or if you qualify for need based aid but have borderline stats at schools that meet need, you need to cast a wider net.</p>

<p>If you have a state school you love and can afford, you may not need many more. If you’re shooting for ivies/peers and don’t have a hook, you may want to apply to many.</p>

<p>It just depends on your situation.</p>

<p>People will be all over the place on this number. Short answer: apply to as many as you can do an exceptional job on filling out the application. For some people that’s 2, for others it’s 14; my personal recommendation is 1 Lottery Ticket Long Shot, 2 Reach, 4 Match, 2 Safety: 9 Total.</p>

<p>I’m with Vinceh on this one. You definitely want to apply to a range of colleges (reach-wise) in order to challenge yourself and give you different opportunities, while still guaranteeing that you are accepted somewhere. I applied to 7: two reach, two match, three safeties, but honestly, its different for everyone.</p>

<p>I’m applying to 7:</p>

<p>1 Ultra-reach
2 low/mid reaches
2 matches
2 safeties</p>

<p>Though maybe I should apply to another match…</p>