How many credits are required to graduate wiconsin?

<p>just for undergrad. i just want to know so i can calculate how much time im saving off of my AP credits</p>

<p>It varies based on major, however the number thrown around typically is 120 credits or 15 per semester to graduate on time. There are restrictions based on having to take a certain number of credits in residency and such that nullify AP or retro credits. I for example have 18 AP credits and 12 retro credits for a total of 30 extra essentially making me “sophomore standing,” but I will still take 4 years to graduate I believe. I get to enroll earlier than most at least :)</p>

<p>ahh can you elaborate a bit more?</p>

<p>specifically what is a retro credit, and you are saying you still need to do 4 years because not all your ap credits apply towards your major?</p>

<p>‘Retro’ credits are retroactive credits earned by getting a ‘B’ or better in an upper level foreign language class. So if UW’s placement test for Spanish places you in Spanish 226 and you get a ‘B’ or better in this class, you are awarded the credits for the first 4 semesters of Spanish (16 credits) in addition to the 3 credits for Spanish 226. Some majors allow these ‘retro’ credits to count toward the graduation requirement and some don’t. The School of Business doesn’t accept these foreign language retro credits to count toward the 120 needed for graduation. However these retro credits are helpful in that at some point, you get to register earlier. (Retro credits earned in the first semester are not awarded until grades come out so it doesn’t help you to get an earlier registration time for your second semester, but after that it will).</p>

<p>Check your school and major. L&S is 120 credits, other schools may be up to 130 credits. You may not save any semesters if you need sequential courses in your major so don’t plan on less than 8 semesters/4 years at this time. You may also find yourself switching majors, doing a double major or taking electives and getting more than 120 credits on campus. You may find it possible to graduate with the minimum credits in your major but decide to take advantage of more courses in it. Wait until this time next year to realistically plan your college graduation year. You can always graduate with more credits- 160-170 including AP in 4 years to max out on the UW experience…</p>

<p>oh okay thanks!</p>

<p>The UW Madison Pre Business Check Sheet for students who matriculated before Summer 2008 states that foreign language retro credits do NOT count toward the 120 credits needed for a BBA degree (Item 7).
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>However, the Wisconsin School of Business BBA Curriculum sheet for students who matriculated Summer 2008 and later states that the foreign language credits DO count toward the 120 credits needed for a BBA degree. I hope this isn’t a ‘typo’. (See the Liberal Studies Curriculum chart in the bottom section).
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My son just ran his DARS report as a projected business major: the 16 foreign language retro credits he earned ARE counted in the 120 credits needed for a BBA degree (he matriculated in the Summer 2008 and later group). This is a beneficial change from previous requirements.</p>