<p>The title says it all basically. I was talking to the woman who works in my college career center about planning what classes I was going to take at the local community college. I want to get some GE out of the way since my Pre-major has completely different requirements and I still plan on graduating in 3 years. Anyway, she was telling me that taking more than 6 credits is pushing it because I don't want to go from being seen as a freshman to seen as a transfer and it screws up your admission.</p>
<p>So basically:
1- How many credits can you take before you are considered a transfer?
2- Do those credit refer to only transfer credit or APs as well?</p>
<p>I wanted to take 20 credits worth of class (a brief morning archery class, a morning class, an evening class, and two online classes). The schedule is completely doable, I'm just worried I'll have too many credits. Right now I have 10 credits from courses and 5 from some play with gave me college performing arts creds. Then from AP's I have 32 couting the ones I'll be taking this year. I tried calling their office but it's closed til later today.