How many credits does an average kid take during a summer session?

<p>I know the golden standard for a whole semester is 15ish. Is there one of these magical numbers for a summer session? I was looking into the mechancial engineering department's opportunity to spend senior year in germany. </p>

<p>To prepare they make you take 6 credits of german per summer session inbetween junior and senior years. So I would be taking 6 credits per session. Could I add more classes, ie electives, or would that be stupid? I would like to spread out my workload around a little if I could by moving a class or two to that summer. And to be perfectly honest I don't want to stay in blacksburg during summer just to study german. I'd like to make it a little more worth while.</p>

<p>So, how many credits does a person typically take during a summer session?</p>

<p>Six credits is typically as many as you would take. You can take more with the permission of your dean.</p>

<p>That said, there are still other things you can do aside from studying. Use your free time to do something for yourself: learn to play an instrument, build something neat, etc. Most people take up internships over the summer, so it’s helpful if you have some product of your own to show off when applying for jobs.</p>