<p>in that case im rejected because none of those has changed for me…</p>
<p>so when can we start filling out the application for winter quarter or maybe i can appeal??</p>
<p>in that case im rejected because none of those has changed for me…</p>
<p>so when can we start filling out the application for winter quarter or maybe i can appeal??</p>
<p>Hmmm. Some people with TAG have the old housing message as well, so maybe we should wait it out a couple of more days… :/</p>
<p>I have the same question as jmartin. Does the housing app change if you didn’t apply for housing or stated on your fin aid that you’re gonna live at home?</p>
<p>yeah caltouci thats what im trying to figure out also. Cuz I have that other message where it shows my first college choice and says this “Congratulations and welcome from the faculty, staff and students of Sixth College! We are delighted that you will be joining us as a Sixth College family member” plus the other 4 pages that says stuff…</p>
<p>Aren’t admissions and financial aid departments separate from each other? I don’t think there was any housing option on the UC app itself, so any housing info they would’ve gotten would be from FAFSA(?), so I’m not sure how they would know what our housing options would be.</p>
<p>But my housing message hasn’t changed either and I plan on living at home if I get accepted/go to UCSD.</p>
<p>So is that going to be the final release of admissions in totality–or does that simply mean that the rest of what they release is rejections? I mean, unless people are being deceitful on this board or reluctant to admit it, it seems no one here has been rejected by UCSD.</p>
<p>I don’t think they have released rejections yet. There is one more batch of approvals/acceptance to go. That’s supposed to be released this week. I dot think people are being deceitful</p>
<p>Yeah no one knows for sure, im sure there have been rejections already… no one wants to admit it. There will probably be two more batches to come out</p>
<p>“There is one more batch of approvals/acceptance to go. That’s supposed to be released this week.”</p>
<p>That is strictly speculation. From what I read there were three batches of acceptances released last year for UCSD. Because there had already been 2, March 15 and April 3, I was just guessing there would be one last batch. I should have worded that differently.</p>
<p>yeah… you should have.</p>
<p>i hate it when people assume stuff, my heart starts racing
i’m still waiting on UCSD i have no new housing message
also when you log into that site where it shows you which college was your first choice
i wish it didn’t say " Congratulations and welcome" its so misleading …unless it means we got in, but i have no idea</p>
<p>it’s different every year, the UC system formally states we have until the end of april for decisions, just b/c it was on the 2nd of april last year, or the 14th doesn’t mean it’ll be the same this year. And whoever said that the accepted people have already been accepted and that there are only rejections left, I wanna hear where you got your OFFICIAL source saying that the last batch has already been sent out.</p>
<p>vision same here, like for the entire month of april my heart would skip a beat everytime I logged on. Now I’m like…meh! unless the acceptance page is drastically different I’ll probably miss it thinking I’m still pending!</p>
<p>what does it mean in the housing application link if it says “Function Unavailable” ??
i haven’t been accepted yet…does this mean i got rejected?</p>
<p>tritonlink goes offline nightly, from 12:00 am - 7:00 am</p>
<p>My 5 day’s comment is speculation. However, it’s more of an educated guess.</p>
<p>The staff now has 15 days to handle all the rejections, and last minute decisions. Do you really think you’ll squeak by? Odds are, today’s batch was the last round of acceptances.</p>
<p>Now comes the wave of rejections.</p>
Oh geez. :/</p>
<p>I hate how you people assume things</p>
<p>WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES PEOPLE!?!? how the hell do you know that todays batch was the last round of acceptances?</p>
Agreed. I have a friend at UCSD admissions, I’ll see if I can catch her at an office hour. Must be hectic. x__x;;</p>
<p>Now people are going to start to worry…):</p>