How many hours do you spend studying for one class?

Depends on the class, doesn’t it?

Macroeconomics, first semester last year: like half an hour a week.
Organic chemistry, right now: I’m on my fifth hour TODAY.

The rule of thumb is three hours for every hour spent in class.

Great answers @bodangles and @stradmom.

Does studying include doing homework, or does it only refer to reviewing material?

3 hours is the generally what everybody recommends, but that’s definitely just a baseline. Some classes I don’t study for at all, some classes I study for hours.

If it’s exam season I spend most of my time at home studying that would be around six hours. I lessen the time of sleep because I really need to take the time studying. then during breaks.

Depends on the class like @bodangles said. I spend roughly 1 hour in macroeconomics class but 3 in biology. Not that it is necessarily harder, just more information.

Depends on the class. For example, for Japanese, I usually only spend 15-20 minutes doing homework and studying for it. But for classes that require a lot of reading, about an hour or two.

Same as most of the other replies -
For Calc 3 I spend 3-4 hours a day (not straight through, but overall) doing HW and studying while for Chem it’s closer to an hour or 1.5 hrs. I generally keep studying until I am comfortable with the material.