How many in graduating class for each school?

<p>I know, a broad question, but just curious. I know graduation is broken up by schools, ie, engineering, business. In particular, I’m curious how many will be graduating from engineering? I just saw on Minnesota’s thread that 800 to 1000 will be graduating in engineering. Since my son is graduating engineering next Saturday, just curious how many students we’ll see walk. (And I know, a LOT don’t walk, but just curious about a ballpark figure). Also, do the grad students attend the same ceremony as the undergrads?</p>

<p>I think the engg ceremony is mix of eng and business degrees…both undergrad and grad, so you are going to see a lot of folks graduating. so, two colleges, including grad students, graduating.</p>

<p>Uminn’s numbers arent only engineering…those are the STEM undergrad numbers…math, bio, chem, physics, engg and comp sci. they are all in the same college there…College of Science and Engineering </p>

<p>Really? The business majors get their degrees in the same ceremony as the engineering majors? Didn’t realize that. Good to know.</p>

<p>For those of you who have attended the engineering commencement in the past, if it has been with the business school during your attendance, about how many graduates are there? With engineering and business, and graduate students, that would also include MBA candidates, wouldn’t it? That’s going to be a big group!</p>

<p>Also, do they award all the engineering degrees, then award the business degrees, or vice versa, or are they mixed in by alphabetical order?</p>

<p>If needed, undergraduates from any college are allowed to walk at either ceremony. </p>

<p>CBA and COE alternate presenting degrees starting with doctoral degrees, then master’s degrees followed by bachelor’s degrees. Sometimes students from either college get mixed in within their degree group. Within those groups, the order is generally alphabetical. Graduates do not typically return to the same seat they originally sat. Each student gets a program; they end up with the program at the seat they end up sitting in after walking.</p>

<p>CBA and COE work really well together. The graduation lineup is staffed by various staff members from both colleges who will help students correctly arrange their graduation attire. UA does have a covered walkway from the indoor practice facility (where the graduates line up) to Coleman Coliseum. </p>

<p>As I’ve mentioned previously, UA does permit graduates to walk for each degree earned. Those earning two degrees at the same ceremony should collect the regalia and name cards for each degree, sit with those earning master’s degrees, and when returning to their seat, sit with those earning bachelor’s degrees. </p>