How many loads of laundry do college students really do?

<p>I need to order a prepaid laundry plan for S. I would assume about a load a week?? Is that a little ambitious? ;) He's not in sports. I also don't anticipate him coming home (with laundry in tow) other than Thanksgiving, winter break and spring break.</p>

<p>I'd say the average is every other week, but he'll probably do more than one load each time so your plan sounds appropriate. Obviously it depends on what kind of person he is...there are kids that go the whole semester without doing laundry!</p>

<p>I did one load a week. I'm a girl though. The boys I know did theirs every 2 - 3 weeks. About 3 or 4 loads because it had piled up. I don't have enough clothes to go that long, so. :P</p>

<p>Pardon my ignorance, but what is a prepaid laundry plan? Is that something that colleges offer like meal plans?</p>

<p>Do you have to order the prepaid plan? Is it a swipe card that rolls over into another year if necessary? How much cheaper is the prepaid than him putting quarters in the machine (assuming that's an option)? </p>

<p>Because some guys don't do much laundry. I remember a friend's son - all four of his suitemates used the Fabreze method: pick up dirty item from floor, apply sniff test, if a failing grade given, spray with Fabreze, wear.</p>

<p>My S did the equivalent of about a load per week. But he's been doing his own laundry since late middle school, so not laundry-averse. Of course, he still "files" the clean clothes in the basket (best case) or on the floor. At home, he lives out of the dryer until one of us "bumps" his clothes out for use on our own.</p>

<p>On average, the guys will go as long as they can. It depends on how much clothing they have. Given a semester's worth of clothing, washing is at your house at semester break. My S's approach. My D seems to follow jmmom S of doing it regularly but living out of the dryer. So we will see what happens this fall when she start her freshman year. May depend on her roommates habits.</p>

<p>boys will not do laundry until they have no clean underwear or socks to wear. Please don't make me visualize his dorm room's appearance (or worse yet, its smell)</p>

<p>My S (Senior this year) does 2 loads a week including his sheets (he has 2 sets). While he always comes home with some dirty laundry, I'm thrilled that he does this much.</p>

<p>anyone have experience with the laundry services available on some college campuses? $500 per year for a big bag per week including sheets and towels. Kid is a student athlete who likes clean clothes and spends a lot of time studying (OK, likes to go out, too). Is this indulgent, or a nice perk for a kid who works hard?</p>

<p>agree w/ sueinphilly<br>
"boys will not do laundry until they have no clean underwear or socks to wear." </p>

<p>But add that "clean" is sometimes a subjective term when applied to young men, underwear and socks.</p>

<p>I don't know riverrunner. It seems pretty expensive. I counted around 30 weeks/year of school by my schedule (a high estimate in this case). 500/30 = $17 per week. At my school you could wash and dry 8 pretty big loads of laundry and still have a buck left over for that much money. I understand that you are paying for the convenience, but I personally would much rather take the extra $13-$15 /wk and do my own laundry.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>My S's college has a new laundry company and you have to swipe a prepaid card to use the machines. The more prepaid loads you buy, the cheaper the price per load.</p>

<p>well it depends.
Are these children that wash their sheets?
Are they even going to remember that they have laundry or are they just going to pull something from the bottom of the pile ( because the dirt just takes a few days to fall off)</p>

<p>I agree with Sueinphilly. My S will not do laundry until everything is dirty. I would figure about once every 10-12 days if that. I think the only time he changed his sheets last year, was during the semester break.</p>


LOL. I do my laundry every Saturday morning, like clockwork. And it's not because I run out of underwear and socks like clockwork, either. :p</p>

<p>Yep, about one a week for my daughter. It was interesting to me how at home she will throw down clothes after wearing them for a couple of hours - dirty or not (a beef of mine!), but when she was washing her own clothes her load of laundry took a lot longer to fill....:)</p>

<p>My daughter does minimum 2 loads a week - one for sheets, and possibly one dark and one light. My daughter also hand drys most of her clothes too. Of course, this weekend my brother told me that he didn't wash his sheets the whole semester when he was in college.</p>

<p>Consider that for many boys "until they have no clean underwear or socks to wear" means after they have worn them all for a second time, inside out. Yup, boys are yukky.</p>

<p>Ick. I change my bedsheets at least every 1.5 months. Change towels every two weeks. Vacuum the carpet every 3 months. What else?..</p>

<p>Depends on the kid. I have one son who did 3 loads a week without fail--one dark, one light and one linens. My other son only washed his sheets on breaks and did laundry when he ran out. My d. was somewhat in between--not organized to do weekly, but did massive washes every 2 or 3 weeks.</p>