How many max colleges can you apply

first time applicant here. Is there a limit of like 20 colleges only that you can apply through common app? Am considering some BS/MD and some undergrads so what are the options if my numbers go above 20 in case? Please advise. Thank you

On Common yes but one can enhance by applying to schools not on common like Gtown, UCs or any schools individual app - not all have.

There are other shared applications (e.g. Coalition, Universal, CBCA) as well as state-specific shared applications (e.g. ApplyTexas, UC, CSU) and individual colleges own applications if you want to apply to more colleges. Of course a specific college may not necessarily be on a particular (or any) shared application.

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Common App is a 20 limit, no exceptions. But the Coalition App is unlimited. And many state systems and some private have their own apps which wouldn’t count against the Common App quota. There are extremely examples of people applying to over 100 schools so there are few limits if you are calculated about which apps to use for which schools. Just come up with the list first then figure out which apps they accept.

Probably a typo, it’s a limit of 20.

Agree that OP should check the schools on their list…first, see which ones have their own app and use that to leave a space open on common app. Hopefully they don’t have to do Coalition app, it’s a time suck.

How many? You should apply only to the number of colleges that you can complete very well. For some kids this is 20. For others it’s 5 or less.

Quality, not quantity, in my opinion.


Yep, been typing on the iPhone since the first model in 2007 and it still sucks. Miss my blackberry keyboard.

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