How many withdrawals is bad?

I’m currently not doing well in one of my classes, work and life is just frustrating. I want to drop this class so bad as I can retake it during summer and be able to perform much better on it. I’m doing completely fine in all my other classes but I’m failing a no major related course.

I currently have a total of 7 withdrawals in community college. I want to know if I should drop it? I need to get A’s and B’s, I cannot get C’s and I’m doing pretty bad in the class. Some people say as long as I retake the class and get a good grade it does not matter but I’m not sure if it will affect me when trying to transfer.

I want to transfer to San Diego State University. Any tips?

I hate to break it to you, but 7 withdrawals already looks pretty bad. I guess 8 withdrawals doesn’t look much worse than 7, and I suppose that this would still look better than a bad (D or F) grade. Does your college allow you to replace withdrawal grades? If so, you could possibly replace at least some of those Ws with a good letter grade by re-taking the class.

Can you legitimately claim any kind of life/health hardship that caused you to withdraw from some of those courses? At my college, a student can petition to have ‘W’ grades removed if they can document that they underwent a serious life or health problem.

I am not that familiar with how competitive the admission process is to SDSU, but you really need to figure out how to not add any more Ws to your transcript, and see if you can replace any of them.