How many words is the Direct Hits vocab book?

<p>Can I learn the whole book by the October test?</p>

<p>It's 365 words or so (correct me if I'm wrong) for 2 volumes.</p>

<p>WHAT. THE. HECK?</p>

<p>So I'm guessing HopefulCEO was the thread opener. And yet, lolilaughed posted BEFORE HopefulCEO.</p>

<p>Heh, glitches and bugs, eh?</p>

<p>I'm guessing it's a problem with HopefulCEO hitting preview post? Because I've made a thread on a forum before where I previewed the thread, and then it got made.</p>

<p>Wow, I know I'm being completely random. But this is funny. :P</p>

<p>^Yeah, glitches maybe.</p>

<p>^ Ha, yea when I posted that response my firefox crashed.</p>

<p>im going to order it from amazon</p>

<p>^great. we REALLY needed to know that. :rolleyes:</p>