<p>College Confidential has been a godsend, but it has also opened up a bunch of questions I'd never really considered. One of the bigger ones has been, how exactly is college going to change me?
Every person that's talked about college has stated that it changed them in some way, generally for the better. What stuck out especially for me was the story of one woman (I can't remember what board she was from) said that after just a month of college, she came back home and realized that she'd changed a LOT. To the point that she was grateful that she'd decided against commuting, because she'd grown emotionally and couldn't handle sticking around her parents for that long (she still loved them, though).</p>
<p>How has college effected you? I just want to know what I should be expecting.</p>
<p>A lot of the changes I’ve experienced aren’t tangible… I just feel different, more mature. One thing I can pinpoint, though, is that college feels somewhat like a limbo, and going home doesn’t feel “home-y” anymore. I’m seeing my family and friends from my past life, but it’s not really where I reside anymore… just a bed&breakfast I’m staying at for awhile (if that makes sense). I guess that translates into a sense of independence.</p>
<p>You just learn a lot about yourself here–who you are, what you do/don’t believe, how you study, how you play, how important nutrition/exercising is to you, what your goals are for later on, etc. etc. I definitely don’t have the same goals or ideas about my future as I did 9 months ago–not that that’s bad at all. In fact, I’m just more focused on my plans for later on, instead of the vague idea I came in with, that turned out to not be right for me.</p>
<p>I still feel the same more or less - was hoping for more of a change. If anything, I realized how sheltered I was at home. :-o</p>
<p>It might be a little hard to extrapolate anything from my experience since I think I’ve been depressed for the past few months, but I think I have personally grown quite a bit as a person. I’ve learned to be more independent, most importantly, and I think I’ve matured quite a bit as well. I definitely feel different than the day I graduated high school.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, a few of my friends have not grown with me–I think they’ve regressed a little bit. Both of my best friends from high school are on the verge of failing out, and one of them is pretty irresponsible with himself(like drinking on weeknights, not studying etc). At my university also, it feels like everyone has regressed back to the junior high level of maturity.</p>