How much calculus is in Physics 6A?

<p>I haven't opened in Physics 6A textbook or asked someone in person. So how much calculus based is this class?
I'm not apt in math, so I'm going to prepare myself by reviewing my calculus material over the summer if I need too.</p>

<p>Can someone also tell me the level of difficulty of the class?
How much time did you put into the class?</p>

<p>It depends on what professor you have. When I took the class with Professor Peroomian, I don’t remember doing a lot of calculus. At most, I had to do derivatives and a little bit of integration. I think there’s more calculus in Physics 6B. Other then that, the class was mainly understanding the concepts/formulas and applying them to various types of problems. However, I’ve heard from 6 series professors who like derivations and variables. </p>

<p>I thought the class wasn’t that bad, but I did take Physics AP before. My friends who didn’t take Physics AP thought it was do-able. However, I do know a few who struggled. It depends on the strength of your problem solving skills. Memorizing the formulas helps, but getting the “A” requires you to understand the concepts. You have to be able to apply them to problems you haven’t seen before. In comparison with 6B and 6C, it’s considered to be one of the easier physics classes in the series because the problems are more straightforward. I thought 6B was more difficult because the concepts weren’t easy to picture since the class dealt with electrostatics and waves. </p>

<p>As for the amount of time, it didn’t take me a lot of time. My class’ work comprised of doing the weekly homework assignments (Mastering Physics), the labs, midterms, and final. I spent about 1-2 hours a day doing the homework/practice problems, depending on my grasp on the material. I also went to office hours since my professor showed us different/faster ways to do the problems If you understand the concepts well, the class won’t take much time. I do know people who put in a substantial amount of work though.</p>

<p>Thank you runningkeys for taking the time to answer this question ( :</p>