<p>how much does starting a business help college admissions? i was just wondering like how much patenting a idea, talk to investors, and then start your own successful business help. like we have investors and have talked to soda, water and beverage companies about a possible deal. how good does it look on college applications? especially Vanderbilt? also how much high schoolers have started their own succssful business? thank you.</p>
<p>In my opinion, if you start a business, why go to college? You’re already rich!!</p>
<p>But truthfully, starting your own business is an amazing accomplishment</p>
<p>I interview for Penn and a large percentage of Wharton applicants claim to have started businesses. Most, frankly, are bogus but some are very real, actually have revenue and profit and are impressive.</p>
<p>If yours is real and the investors are not your parents, schools will consider it an accomplishment, how much of one depends on what the business has achieved.</p>
<p>You would be surprised how many high schoolers have founded successful, high revenue businesses, many based on ebay. One girl made millions decorating My Space pages before college.</p>
<p>well its legit and no the investors are not my parents. any more?</p>