how much money...

<p>errr, last time I checked collegeboard didn't administer the ACT o.o;;</p>

<p>Yeah, we missed the "Collegeboard" part. So here's my updated one:</p>

<p>SAT twice: $83
Q&A service: ~$20
AP Tests: 4 x $82 + 5 x $83 = $743
AP USH Late Fee: $40
US History SAT II I never went to: ~$25
Online course I never used: $70
Blue Book I never used: $20</p>

<p>Total: $1001</p>

<p>~$218 wasted, because I never went to USH SAT II, and decided against studying for the SAT the day I bought the Blue Book and Online Course (found out about the ACT later that night). And I'm never using my SAT scores, so taking it was kind of a waste, too.</p>