how much money...

<p>have u given to collegeboard... including ap exams, sats, psats, score reports, rescorings, standby fees, late registration fees, sending scores to different colleges, etc</p>

<p>AP US History test--> $83
1st time for SAT-->$41.50
2nd Time for SAT-->41.50
SAT Reasoning--> 18$
ACT--> 2nd Time-->$43
ACT view scores early online-->$8
SAT Third Time--> $41.50</p>

<p>$319.50 give or take a few dollars.</p>

<p>I go to public school, but once I have to buy books for school from Barnes and Nobel and such and pay for these stupid tests.... I swear...</p>

<p>SAT twice: $83
Q&A service: ~$20
ACT twice: $86
Early viewing of ACT scores: $24
Sending ACT scores: 9 x $8 = $72
AP Tests: 4 x $82 = $248</p>

<p>Add in books and the SAT online course and it's probably been at least $650, not including a potential 5 AP tests this year (another $415).</p>

<p>ACTs rnt from collegeboard...</p>

<p>ooo sorry, well they are both testing agencies</p>

<p>SATs twice: $83
Q&A: $20
Scores to four additional schools: $32</p>

<p>Total: $135</p>

<p>My tally should be pretty high...</p>

<p>SAT reasoining x 3: 124
SAT subject once: 40-ish?
Standby fee once: 36
Test date change: 21.50
International processing fee: 21.50 x 4
Send scores: 9.50 by 5
Blue book: 20</p>

<p>Estimate total: 335.50</p>

<p>And I've taken ACT once, about to take it again December.</p>

<p>1000+ by the time im done</p>

<p>oh, I forgot about the bluebook.</p>

<p>so that makes it $155</p>

<p>SAT I x3 + international fee : 184.00$
Q & A Service x1 : 18.00$
Phone scores x1 : 10.00$
SAT Subject Tests x4 : ~80.00$
Online Cours x2 : ~120.00$
Scores sent to schools x6 : 60.00$</p>

<p>I think that's all (not including SAT II boks I got from Kaplan)</p>

<p>TOTAL : 472.00!!!!!! And I'm sure I've forgotten some things!</p>

<p>SAT1 X3 = 41.5*3= 124.5</p>

<p>SAT2 = 18+18 or so... = 36
-3 DIFF ONES</p>

<p>AP EXAMS X4 = 324</p>


<p>2 STANDBY TESTINGS = 72</p>

<p>9 SAT REPORTS +1 RUSHED REPORT = 71+26+9 = 106</p>

<p>124.5+36+324+150+72+106 = 812.5</p>

<p>and if i dont get into my ED school (penn) ill have to spend another 70 bucks or so to send out new SAT scores... and at the end of the year ill have 3 more ap exams which is another 243 dollars</p>



<p>HOLY ****!</p>

<p>SAT 5 times = 41.50*5 +18 = 225.5
SAT II 2 times = 34+42 = 76
3 Ap's = 246$
online course: 50$
Blue Book 11$
Q&A 20$
SAS = 10$</p>

<p>total: $638</p>

<p>bet noone has me beat edit: nm ... ^^^</p>

<p>Here it goes
4 SAT reasoning tests = about 200 (1 standby. got 1 of those score reports books too so it adds to be about 200)
Subject tests = about 40
AP Tests = 249 dollars so far... not counting this year
Test books and prep = 200-300 dollars probably
and oh yeah this one thing for a prep program
800 dollars
so roughly 1500... this is not including sending score reports to colleges etc...</p>

<p>We should all add in an extra fee to account for the economic loss we incur by spending our valuable time prepping and our valuable Saturdays testing instead of doing other productive work. Not to mention sleep loss, anxiety, stress, etc., etc.</p>

<p>I'd add another couple hundred for this alone...</p>

<p>SAT Twice 83
Subject Tests about 50
AP Tests 166
Blue Book 20
Late Fee (21.50?)
Rush Scores (19.50?)
Send 2 Scores 19.00</p>

<p>$379. Ouch...</p>

<p>Oh god...quite a bit.</p>

<p>SAT three times = $124.50
SAT Subject Tests w/Late Fee = $55.50
Student Answer Service = $10
10 AP Tests = $830
Blue Book = $20</p>

<p>Total = $1040</p>

<p>At least I used those free slots to send my scores...</p>

<p>SAT I 3 times (123)
AP TESTS (166)
RUSH SCORES cause i sent twice.. (64) later 7more schools (252)
SAT II (7 TIMES CANCELLED 5X *** LOL = about 200)
= grand total: 791 holy shiet..</p>

<p>2 SATs + 4 SAT IIs + 9 APs > $1000</p>

<p>er- sat's once, no sat II's, no AP's (yet), sat book I guess ~ $20</p>

<p>total- $60 :)</p>

<p>I decided to quit dancing around the bush and put all the fees my parents have had to pay for me......</p>

<p>SAT prep class = 180
SAT reasoning test = 41
SAT Lit II test x 3 = ~ 60
SAT II US history w/ late fee = 50
SAT II Bio subject = 20
SAT II Bio prep course = 80
SAT Lit prep book = 13
SAT US history book = 20
AP tests x 3 = 240
AP history review book = 20
AP english review book = 20
AP psych reivew book = 20
Send Scores= 57</p>

<p>ACT x 4 = 172
ACT prep book = 20 </p>

<p>= 1013</p>

<p>College Apps = 425
Band 4 years = 1400 (including all competitions and trips)
school year books= 400
New instrument = 700
Instrument accessories = 100
red cross club mmebership= 60
Key club = 60
NHS= 20
Money for lunch over years= ~400 </p>

<p>this year:
3 AP tests = 240
send ACT scores = 65 </p>

<p>all out of state boy scout trips and fees over 7 years = 2,000</p>

<p>= 6,883 dollars</p>

<p>poor parents = ( I promise I will pay you back!!!!</p>

<p>In light of this i would like to say that CollegeBoard is a money hungry company that doesnt give a **** about how well you do on their damn unfair tests.......and are the farthest thing from being a fair testing company.
,,1,,(>_<) ,,1,,</p>

<p>I just would like to reflect on this depressing statistic and be thankful that my parents have been so supportive of me in the past 4 years and have been financially able to fund me on my academic pursuit. </p>

<p>Man college has not even hit yet.....</p>