How much of a time commitment is band?

<p>^^^Some students thrive on being extremely busy and academically challenged. It is really great to know that your son is excelling in all his endeavors. College is a time to stretch and reach your potential, but I still caution for freshman to start a little slowly and ramp up, especially if they have scholarship requirements to meet. It is hard to scale back (if they become overwhelmed), when they have too much on their plate. Each parent knows their child best and should advise them accordingly.</p>

<p>Once upper level courses are undertaken, the work load can expand, particularly for those students in the stem majors. It is nice to have a little wiggle room built in to the schedule. How each student proceeds is a very individual process.</p>

<p>Damond3- DS is also a chemical engineering/biology major/pre-med. He is a freshman and also plays trumpet in the MDB. From what we can tell, he is enjoying everything and only stresses a bit when he is studying for tests. Sounds like a natural stress to me. He loves it and has time to play racquetball, go out to dinner with friends from time to time, go to church, and chill out with the roommates…</p>

<p>I agree with robotbidmom, each student is different. You know your S better than anybody. DS made the decision to do all of this and so we let him go with it. So far his decision has been a good one. It’s all part of growing up and establishing your own boundaries. Proceed with care and wisdom. Go with what you know. You will advise yours correctly. </p>

<p>Good luck and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Damond3, he is doing really well in the major. This semester has been tougher with organic chemistry and research for CBH ramping up, but hasn’t expressed any desire to change majors. We are from out-of-state, so the mdb last fall was a great way for him to meet people as he didn’t know anybody. Made great friends in CBH too and is now rooming with them.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great replies. It’s just nice to hear that students are doing this and not completely running themselves to the ground. I know S is a hard worker so I think it would be perfect!</p>