How much time do I need to selfstudy for AP Biology?

<p>I got a 760 on the SATII for Bio last October, and I still remember a lot of it.</p>

<p>How is the AP exam different from the SATII? </p>

<p>I have a Campbell's Biology book, and I'm thinking of getting a Cliffnotes book.</p>

<p>Hm...I have AP Language and Composition, US History, and Bio to take along with SATII US His and Chem. I'm taking all this in May and will be crazy.</p>


<p>It's a lot easier than the SAT II, that's all I can tell you. How long did it take you to study for the SAT II?</p>

<p>Are you joking? AP exams are way more in-depth than SAT II equivalents. You could get above a 750 right after Honors Bio.</p>

<p>750+ after honors bio? You must have had one hell of an honors bio course. I wouldn't have broken 700 if I'd taken the SAT II after just honors bio.</p>

<p>Anyway, the answer to "how much time" you need to self study depends on your ability to memorize and comprehend biology and terms, as well as your like/dislike of the subject. I love biology and I have an excellent memory, so I got a 5 without doing any formal prep for the AP exam... and if I'd self studied, I probably wouldn't have spent too much time studying. How much time it takes depends entirely on your study habits, situation and ability.</p>