<p>I took Honors Biology in my freshman year. I also took the SAT II and got an 800. I did not realize that I could take the AP test in biology that year. Basically, I'm thinking of taking the AP Bio test with self studying over a year after I took the course. I was extremely good at bio though, and I still have my SAT II study books. I heard that AP Bio is one of the easier tests to self study for. If I buy an AP Bio study book, start studying over the summer, and study more over the year and take the AP Bio test along with AP/SAT II World History, possible AP Stat, and SAT IIs, will I be fine, considering how well I did before? My goal score would probably be a 4 or 5, and I'm very motivated at self studying.</p>
<p>Will it actually be worth it for me to take it for it to look good on my application, as I have already attained a perfect score on the SAT II?</p>
<p>Also, I'm taking Honors Analysis next year, which is basically precalc (I think they are synonymous). With a little self studying, will I be able to do well on the AP Statistics test?</p>
<p>Sure, go for it! Just buy CliffsAP and if you want a copy of Campbell's and provided you have the work ethic, you can do it.</p>
<p>Precalculus, or trigonometry, and statistics are not exactly the same thing.</p>
<p>If you study statistics, then of course you'll be fine for AP Stats.</p>
<p>Will it be worth it to take the AP Bio test after I've already gotten an 800 on the SAT II?</p>
<p>waffle, what did you use to study for the SAT II Biology?</p>
<p>if you want college credit yeah. AP's i think have more positive impact on you compared to SAT2s which are only used for admissions.</p>
<p>I used Princeton Review and Sparknotes to study for SAT II Bio.</p>
<p>cool, by the way, as to the answer to your question, yes you can self study for AP Bio and do very well, the curve is extremely generous and I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Cliff's AP Bio, it is honestly a GODSEND for all Biology students.</p>
<p>Is it a lot harder than the SAT II?</p>
<p>no, the ap biology multiple choice are easier than the SAT II in my opinion, although they may have several specific questions (which you will learn about after reading the review book for the AP exam). See, the main thing about the AP exam is the free response questions, you have to shown the reader that you understand Biology, and you understand the concept being tested. As long as you are good with that, and get practice (once again Cliffs is great for this), you will be way more than on target. To tell you the HONEST TO GOD truth, I studied for the AP Biology exam for 3 days by reading the entire Cliffs book and I know I got a 5, because it was basically the same stuff. The only advantage I had was that I took AP Biology this year, so things came faster, so it may take you a couple weeks to really get the AP Bio stuff down, but I'm sure you will be fine.</p>