<p>My school offers AP in Calculus, English, Biology, US History, Studio Art, Spanish, and Enviromental Science (only began to offer as a senior). I took Spanish junior year, and I am currently taking History and Calculus. The rest of my classes are all honors classes. I am also taking 'Principles of Chemistry I' at Wesleyan University. I got this oppurtunity because I am in the top 10% of my class. I had tp apply for this an everything. Will only taking 3 AP classes hurt me greatly or no?</p>
<p>Not if that's all your school offers. Your counselor will check "most rigorous" for your schedule.. and that's really what they look at.</p>
<p>I'm applying to BC with all Honors and only one AP (and my school offers a ton of APs). I'll have more of a problem then you haha.</p>