How much words is too much?

<p>I'm writing my college essays and I was concerned on how much words over the limit is the
"limit". Some applications they restrict you on characters, but on some apps (like the UC's), they have word "limits".</p>

<p>the question is, how much is too much?</p>

<p>thanks alot!</p>

<p>How <em>many</em> words…</p>

<p>okay i forgot to mention how much words, but like for the UC’s, you need 1000 words for both your essay. i’m just saying how much can you write over the suggested limit in the direction?</p>

<p>plus or minus 25 words for a 1000 word limit - very general estimate.
be as concise with your essay as possible.</p>

<p>I would suggest staying within that number. Eg: 1000 1050 is ok… 1100+ is pushing it. Remember, extra words ISN’T going to help your application. it’s simply going to say you don’t like to follow directions and make the AO’s job hard. Unless your essay is absolutely spectactular (applies to only .01 percent of the applications), I wouldn’t push your luck with the essay.</p>

<p>I would aim for quality rather than quantity if I were you.</p>

<p>You should pay attention to the specifications laid out by each school. For apps that don’t give you a max number of words (like the Common App), try to keep it below 800.</p>

<p>You should realize that word limits serve two purposes;</p>

<p>1) of course, it keeps most people from handing in too much (and also boring the heck out of the readers)</p>

<p>and 2) it serves as a measurable exercise to see if you can express yourself within the limit.</p>

<p>Yup: you can trip up in two ways…</p>

<p>5% over I think is a rule of thumb (550 on a 500 word essay)
But it’s better not to risk.
I think it’s also just better to get your point across</p>

<p>5% over on a 500 word essay is 525.</p>