How often does your school do into lockdown?

<p>I love lockdowns =]</p>

<p>...chatting with your friends
...snuggling in the corner with the lights out
...can you say TEXTING?</p>

<p>We've had so many lockdowns lately. It's been making me really happy, yet nervous that it's gonna be really serious one of these days.</p>

<p>How often do you guys have 'em?</p>

<p>Ha, we have a lockdown drill once every 2 years… we had one 2 years ago, so we should be having one some time this year.</p>

<p>Once every four months.</p>

<p>In every room there is this conspicuous, mysterious backpack labeled “Emergency” that no one has ever opened (and many people have tried). They started appearing after the first lockdown drill, so speculation ranges from basic GPS/radio systems to a handgun. Very intriguing objects, those bags.</p>

<p>I’m talking about REAL LOCKDOWN INCIDENTS.</p>

<p>Last year, someone called our school from Zanzibar and said that they were gonna shoot up the school.</p>

<p>Then this year, someone found a mysterious backpack in the library, so we went into lockdown for 3 hours.</p>

<p>We’ve never had a lockdown <_<</p>

<p>What’s a lockdown?</p>

<p>Real ones - I’ve never had one in high school. We had two in middle school and one in elementary school. We do have drills a few times per year.</p>

<p>We have a lockdown at least once a month. They’re cool if you’re in a fun class with all of your friends and a cool teacher. They suck if you’re in a class that is the direct opposite of what I just said. I remember we had a lockdown during my freshman year that lasted for five hours. We were there four hours after school! They were planning on making us spend the night there, but luckily the situation cleared up. It was ridiculous.</p>

<p>Lol wow, we have a “Code Yellow” about once a week where the drug dogs come in and sniff the lockers haha</p>

<p>We have a drill once a year and we have about 2 real ones every year. Even though I go to private school its right on the edge of a shady part of the city. Our school is K-12 and the fourth graders were out running “the mile” in gym in a park attached to the school when right in front of them, five police officers came and attacked this man only a few feet in front of them who had just escaped from prison with a gun. These incidents are too uncommon…haha</p>

<p>We seem to have a lot of Code Yellows, too. We never have a real Code Red. Everyone’s too tame, fortunately.</p>

<p>In September we had lockdowns on two consecutive Thursdays because of two unrelated bank robberies (diff banks). Two years ago I had one in Spanish class… when we were having a nacho party! That was the best.</p>

<p>That was also the year where we had an evacuation because of some ‘threatening’ bathroom graffiti. We had to wait outside for four hours while bomb dogs sniffed around. This was in October and it was FREEZING outside. People were literally grouped up to conserve warmth. A couple altruistic teachers donated their coats (brave brave souls)</p>

<p>About two and half months ago, a gang fight erupted during second period lunch, was broken up by resource officers, then the gang members came back to school after lunch with guns. That was a long lock down!</p>

<p>Oh, the joys of inner city schooling!!!</p>

<p>{My kids are going to the nice Country Day school if I return to this area after Haverford}</p>

<p>My school never even had lockdown drills until last year. So never. The drills are fun though.</p>

<p>when i was in ninth grade, we had a ton of lockdowns because there were a lot of bomb threats written on the bathroom walls… like “the school will blow up at 2 p.m.” just stupid stuff like that… and funny thing was after the lockdown, they had us evacuate but they didn’t get everyone out of the building til like 2:05… when the threat said the school would blow up at 2… our administration is fantastic.</p>

<p>Our doors lock and use have to use a student ID to unlock them. Otherwise you ring the bell and they look at you through a camera, decide to let you in or not, and then send some one to go downstairs and meet you. Needless to say, we don’t have lockdowns.</p>

<p>This is why suburban schooling sucks. We only get drills for finite amounts of time.</p>

<p>We have drills about two or three times a year, but never a real lockdown. However, we had a lock-in earlier this year because of a bank robbery (at our one bank, on our one street, in a town of less than two thousand people not a mile wide).</p>

<p>lockdowns in our band room are scary.
you have to go into this dark confined room. and its totally pitch cant see your hand in front of your face black.</p>

<p>horrible if you were claustrophobic.</p>