<p>lol i got a 660 Literature and I'm majoring in Literature at Yale...take that *****es</p>
<p>Our D just stunned us with a 36 composite on the ACT, after a 30 as an eighth grader and a 1470 on the old SAT last fall. So I went looking for numbers...</p>
<p>ACT report for 2004 showed just 224 out of nearly 1.2 million scored 36 composite. On the individual scales, students scoring 36 numbered in the low thousands - a fraction of the top 1 percent.</p>
<p>Wow. Your friend is definitely unique.</p>
<p>Genius? I never was a supporter of the SAT-IQ thing. </p>
<p>But anyway, I got 2130 and I'm 13. Retaking this June. I'll come back and boast if I got a 2400. ;D</p>
<p>36 English
36 Math
800 SAT I Math
800 SAT II Math IIC
800 SAT II Chemistry
Perfect score on SAT II Writing MC
5 AP Physics C (both)
5 AP Calculus BC
5 AP Computer Science AB
5 AP Chemistry
5 AP Biology
5 AP English Literature
5 AP Economics (both)
5 AP European History</p>
<p>I know people who've done better.</p>
<p>AP 5s don't count for much...I mean, come on, it's the percentage equivalent of a 'C'...</p>
<p>Though you are correct that a 5 is the "percentage equivalent of a 'C'" that does not mean it is easy. Note that roughly 15% of test takers for each test gets a 5. I would suspect that the CB generates a hard test, just like the colleges, so they can put the scores on a curve to enable differentiation.</p>
<p>Umm...consider this...half of Physics C: E&M I didn't even know about until the week before...yet I'm fairly confident I got a 5...</p>
<p>I understand what you are saying. There could be a number of reasons for this. </p>
<p>1) you may be a quick learner.
2) your test taking style may be conducive to the AP
3) you may be a 'genius' also
4) Physics may be a topic that comes easy to you</p>
<p>So consider this:</p>
<p>1) Why do 85% of the students that take the test get less than a 5?
2) Students taking the test are supposed to be the best and brightest in their schools. Given that, what would the pass rate be if every college prep student took the test? Probably a smaller number, though I am not sure.</p>
<p>Regardless, the title of genius is not unique to one individual, there are many people in our society that are geniuses. Further, there are many types of genius. I wouldn't get too caught up in the label.</p>
<p>Scores mean nothing if you don't actually use what knowledge you have to do something to help others. Most of the SAT books don't teach you knowledge, they teach you tricks to get good score. Sadly, these techniques do not work when you grow up. I would be more impressed if he or she had a good project for Siemens or Intel, or something like that.</p>
<p>That's not too rare...
There's a kid in my school who has not lost a single point to collegeboard at all.
That includes all APs and SATs
There are plenty more who only lost a few points (<100) on SAT with everything else perfect</p>
<p>i know a kid who scored 5 on 8 ap exams, 800 on 5 sat ii's but only got a 1590 sat i lol</p>
<p>Some people are great test takers, but can not apply anything to "real life", that is the true genius...memorizing things is great, but not a sign of being a genuis</p>
<p>I would prefer some logic problems as a test....those are tough</p>
<p>It's not very rare... it happened to someone elses friend on a thread exactly like this one!</p>
<p>I"m jealous....how can you guys get that far?</p>
what do you mean it is not very rare..I just got unacceptable from PSAT...how sad...</p>
<p>lol, I didn't really mean the scores weren't rare... if you look this thread is double posted with different usernames, but exact same title and opening post.</p>
<p>CONGRATULATIONS, you are now completely book smart and have no common sense. you can be get 800 in everything but if you cant aply theory to real life situations, then your 800 means absolutely nothing.</p>
<p>Check it!
Very competitive school.
SAT: 800 CR, 800 M, 800 W
SAT II: 800 on Math iic, PHY, CHEM, SPAN, USH
5's on AB Calc, BC Calc, USH, SPAN, PHYS, CHEM, LIT
3.99 UW, 4.76 W at a school which will NOT allow straight A's</p>
<h1>1 in class, obviously</h1>
<p>Pres of School, School Board, Head of a Dorm, Head of Judiciary Committee, Head Tour Guide, Head of homeless support charity and tutors 40 hours per month
Captains of a Varsity Sport and a JV sport
Amazing writer
and the humblest, kindest, "best" person you would ever want to meet.
BUT! strongly advised not to apply to Hvd, Yale or Stan early because they have no hook...way too many like her/him to be worthy of a slot</p>
<p>How will a school not allow straight A's?</p>