Now that admission season is drawing near, my nerves and I wanted to know what other people thought of my admission chances into my top school: UCSB. I also applied to UCSC, SDSU, Cal Poly Slo among others and I just wanted to know what my chances were, as that seems to be a popular topic of conversation. Let me know what you think, I appreciate brutal honesty (and maybe some optimism, too).
-GPA: weighted-4.05, weighted and capped-3.75
-I have taken 10 AP classes since the beginning of my freshman year.
-I did get an âFâ in AP Calc AB my Junior year first semester, tried to make up for it by taking a Stats class at my local community college and earned a B.
-ASB Club Commissioner senior year
-President of the Mental Health Awareness club since junior year
-Varsity Girls soccer captain senior year
-Homecoming princess (not a big deal, maybe just shows involvement in school community)
-Link Crew leader
-Part time job since 16 yrs. old
-Church youth group leader
-involved in clubs: FCA, Envrionmental Club