How schools decide who to admit

<p>New</a> research on how elite colleges make admissions decisions | Inside Higher Ed</p>

<p>This is an interesting article about the methodology elite universities use to decide who to admit. I would expect that the elite BS share at least some of methodology.</p>

<p>There's some insight on how and when in the candidate selection process that FA is allocated:</p>

<p>"After a college has used its allocated aid budget, it compares the merits of students who can afford to pay all expenses, and they are not competing against the full pool."</p>

<p>Thanks for posting this. I found the link for Stu Schmill from MIT and I’m going to start a thread for that since no matter how many times I’m asked Ad Nauseum about taking AP classes, my answer that they are not wholly determinant is turned aside by people who still want to believe they are!</p>

<p>[Essay</a> questions obsession over AP courses | Inside Higher Ed](<a href=“]Essay”>Essay questions obsession over AP courses)</p>