How should I increase my score from 32 to 34+

I have composite score of 32. I got it on February ACT.
E: 28 (the section I have most problem)
M: 35 (the section I have least problem)
R: 30
S: 33
Writing: 36

As you can see, Math is not that big of a deal. I lost a point because of some minor mistake.
Science, I have some problem. I never get 36 when I take the practice exam. It always ranges like 33-35. I want a 36, but I don’t know why I can’t get it.
Reading, a lot of problem. That score is kind of a luck, because I always get 27-29 when I take practice test.
English, even worse than Reading. I always get 26-28 when I take practice test.
As you can see, this score was kind of ‘luck’ because I typically get around 30-31 composite when I take the practice test.

I do not know how to prepare for English and Reading section. I think I lack some knowledge of fundamental grammatical rules. Also, I cannot read fast enough to fully comprehend the reading passage and solve some problems.

I’ve only studied the red ACT book (official one), and I am planning to purchase some more book in order to boost my score up to 34+ on June, or even September.

Can you guys give me some general tips and recommendations of books in order to boost my score? Thank you very much!

P.S.) I took the May ACT (The state of Missouri requires every juniors to take it on May. It is not a “registerable” test on ACT website. It is just kind of a mandatory test), and I don’t know when the scores would come out. Anybody who took the May ACT before knows when the scores come out?

The way I approach reading is that I look at the questions first so I can answer the more straightforward questions such as “what does ____ mean in line x” and so I can understand what parts of the texts are actually important. This way I don’t get bogged down reading unnecessary details. Good luck getting a 34 in June.