How to Build Your College List? - ASK ME ANYTHING!

Your kid can’t get accepted if she doesn’t apply. The acceptance rate at Brown isn’t all that high. Her chances are the same as anyone else who applies. You don’t know what the adcoms will see in her application that could tip the scales in her favor.

She doesn’t need to “switch” schools…but she could add another if that seems like a good idea to you all.

This is a regular Decision application, right?

Maybe a mod will move the question to the right subforum. But I agree with Thumper. We suggest looking at past history of admits as some indication, but it can’t be the final say. She could be just the addl non-athlete they’re looking for. If she truly knows Brown and how she fits them (not just how they meet her wants,) she might regret not at least trying.

And if she decides to go ahead, make sure all her i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. It’s more than just having the stats and titles. Best wishes.

Thank you @thumper1 for your response. Yes, Brown is on her list for regular decision. She applied for two early action schools.

Thank you @lookingforward for sharing your perspective. Luckily she and I visited Brown in person last November before COVID hit. She met up with a professor and a debate student during the campus visit. It appears she really likes the school. Hopefully she will still be given serious consideration.

Not a bad idea at all to include that she met with the prof and debate student. These top colleges like that sort of interest. Meeting folks isn’t something one can just manufacture, thinking it’s some formula. But in your case, she has the deep debate record, it just makes sense. It’s smart. They’ll notice. At some point, let us know how this goes for her.

Thank you @lookingforward ! We will be prepared for the worst but hope for the best :). I will make sure to share the outcome when March comes.