<p>Should you skim all the questions once? 'Re-do' the ones you found hard? Which approach do you yourself take when finished early? Do you do something different?</p>
<p>I would check every question from the beginning if it were the math section, would kill myself for missing an easy question. If it were the CR or writing, I would check questions that made me think twice (or 30 times).</p>
<p>Amu: The answer is a resounding NO! Don't try to finish early. I mean, tell me this, how often have you ever finished early, gone over your answers, and found a mistake? It's so unlikely. Then, when you're done flipping through the booklet, you close it, saying to yourself, there are no mistakes. Then you get your test scores and are disappointed.</p>
<p>Do the questions slowly. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever finish early!!!</p>
<p>Because you're very likely not to find any mistakes.</p>
<p>You should be done with the last question like 2 seconds before the proctor tells you to stop. Take pains. Use every second you have. Don't waste time going through the booklet and looking for mistakes. It just won't work.</p>
<p>Don't finish early. That's all I have to say.</p>
<p>I disagree with dchow08 completely.</p>
<p>I believe the best strategy is to finish each section with 5 minutes left to spare. I find that I don't fix anything 99% of the time on Math but with CR or Writing I find a mistake 90% of the time. With CR and Writing, if you look at something twice sometimes you might see it in a different way and get the right answer.</p>
1. You aren't stressing to finish the section
2. You have enough time to check all of your answers
3. You have confidence going into the next section
4. You have a chance to look at the problem 2 ways</p>
<p>DO NOT race to finish the section of course. At that point you make more sloppy mistakes than you could possibly fix. Take practice tests to pace yourself for 5 minutes left in each section not 2 seconds like dchow08 said.</p>
<p>Am I baller or what? Send me a pm...lol</p>
<p>5 minutes is not enough time to go back and check all of your answers.</p>
<p>but at least it's enough time to check the ones you are unsure about.</p>
<p>For CR (the only section I finish really early on) I go back and look at the questions I have checked. I usually check questions that tell me to go back.</p>
<p>You can check the ones you were unsure about, but don't check questions that you've already done.</p>
<p>So don't double-check; single-check, so to speak.</p>
<p>CR and writing I usually don't have enough time to go back, but I trust my first choice anyway so it's no problem. Math I always finish with like 5-10 minutes left, so I can go back to check for math mistakes. This is important, since people who get like 760's or 780's always seem to get 1-2 wrong because of math errors. Rarely do I NOT know how to answer a math SAT problem</p>