How to choose between Big Four for internship offers?


<p>I've have been extended summer internships offers for both KPMG and EY's NYC office.. Both are for audit and both would be for non-financial services. This internship would be for the summer of 2014.</p>

<p>I have a bit of a dilemma regarding this decision, as I do like both firms. It's a good dilemma to have, but I am not sure what I should consider in making the decision. (FYI, the salary is about the same.)</p>

<p>If anyone has any comments or opinions on what choice to make or what I should consider in making my choice, please let me know.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>If same pay and same location then I would start looking at which one would give you a better learning experience (although, this should be your first concern). Also, I don’t know what year you are but if you are going to be a rising senior the following year then you might want to see if one of them is more likely to offer a full-time position after the internship.</p>

<p>Accounting internships are typically a little work and a lot of play. Don’t worry they will work you to death later on. EY I think enjoys a better reputation as an auditor. Go with EY for the training. GL</p>