How to delete a thread?!

<p>I have no idea how </p>

You can’t.

@irlandaise‌ … thanks…

You have a 15-minute window to edit threads. After that, it’s too late. So be careful about what you post! We get many requests every day, asking for thread deletions. Everyone thinks that he or she should be the exception to the rule!

Where can we find out how to use features, and what they mean? I have no idea, for example, what an orange flame means.

I know we had a Q&A area of some sort set up when the site was migrated back in late January. While specific questions about the new features have died down it certainly makes sense to have some sort of quick overview thread that explains certain items. I’ll see if I can find links to Q&A discussions from earlier this year in the meantime.

To answer your question above, the orange flame represents those threads that have been featured.