How to Delete Score

So my mom sent my scores to UW-Madison and U Chicago. I am not too happy about my scores and its been about 2 months since I’ve tested. I guess my question is…

if I delete my scores from ACT do the scores get deleted from my transcript at these schools or no?

According to the ACT telephone representatives, ACT will send your HS a letter notifying it that the Score is no longer valid and that the HS should remove it from its records.

You should check directly with your high school to make the HS did in fact remove the score from your records.

Thank you, but what about colleges??

Once the scores are sent out to the colleges, I’m pretty sure you can’t delete them. But call the ACT and those particular colleges to confirm.

If the colleges don’t delete the scores, don’t worry. Most colleges will mainly consider the highest score anyway. But check with those colleges to confirm that that is their policy.

Those scores are sent, but all is not lost.

Chicago will superscore the ACT. So send them better scores if you have them.

Thanks to both users above! I will give ACT a call as well