How to find a roommate/place to live in cc?

<p>Since I'm going away to community college, I have to find a place to live/roommate-I've checked craigslist, but people seem to be kinda...weird (one place actually advertised that it had a slave?probably a joke, but not the kind of one I appreciate, sorry). Is there anything like URoomSurf for non-residential type colleges?</p>

<p>You’re coming to LA ? are you going to SMC ? honestly i think craigslist is your best chance just type in the school you’re going to in the keyword so you get student roomies.</p>

<p>No, I’m going to PCC…if that’s the only option, then all right…thanks:)</p>

<p>hmm can i ask why ? Can you pick yourself where you want to live ?</p>

<p>Yeah I get to pick myself…but living alone would be too expensive/“dangerous” so I have to find a roommate…also I have two cats that I have to either bring with me or give up, so I need to find a place/roommate that’s ok with that…</p>

<p>^ I just meant do you have to go to Pasadena CC ? not much do around there… If I were you I would go to Santa Monica College which is close to the city or Santa Barbara (which is 100 miles north west of LA) City College because the campus is beautiful and the atmosphere is nice. I’m moving from LA to santa barbara this fall, housing will be expensive though at either place.</p>

<p>also will you have a car ? I think that’s a big question…</p>

<p>Yeah I get to pick which college, but I chose Pasadena since the city seems like a safe[er] place and the environment looks a little more ‘chill’…also the housing on craigslist that I’ve looked at seemed to be cheaper/nicer in Pasadena.
I’ll definitely have a car, it’s getting shipped from where I live now soon…</p>