How to get better at critical reading?

<p>I've gotten my above 700 score in writing (740). I am fairly confident that i can crack my above 700 in math as long as i practice very regularly until June. One question: What is the average # you can get wrong in math and still get above a 700? I average about 3 wrong per test but I'm hoping to decrease that to one...or zero. </p>

<p>But the real problem is critical reading. when i practice single sections, I usually get at least one vocab wrong if not two and at least one passage question wrong if not two. When i take an actual test? I don't think i've gotten less than 9 wrong before. I'm on the brink of a good score but just simply not there yet. How do i change this? I know my strategy when I take the test. its just the whole thing about going from 1-2 wrong per section to 0. how does it happen? </p>